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LANDFIRE Webinar: Project Level Fuels Management Planning

Meeting Registration - Zoom

Register once and join all year: LANDFIRE Office Hour Series: 2025 All sessions will be recorded. Find them here:

February 26: Treatment Tracking with LANDFIRE Events Kori Blankenship, TNC Fire Ecologist Knowing when and where treatments occur helps to track progress towards land management objectives. LANDFIRE is one of several programs that tracks treatments. In this office hour we will provide a brief summary of treatment tracking efforts and demonstrate how The Nature Conservancy is using LANDFIRE’s Events data to assess the extent of treatments in dry forests in the 11 western states. Partner Organization: The Nature Conservancy

March 26: Project Level Fuels Management Planning Using Quantitative Wildfire Risk Assessment in IFTDSS Nicole Vaillant, Forest Service, Wildland Fire Managment RD&A Partner Organization: Wildland Fire Management RD&A

April 30: The Use of LANDFIRE Data in the Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS) Sam Amato, Fire Application Specialist, Forest Service, Wildland Fire Management RD&A Partner Organization: Wildland Fire Management RD&A

May 28: Characterizing Ecosystems at Different Spatial Scales with LANDFIRE Data Sarah Anderson, PhD, Ecologist, Terrestrial Condition Assessment Coordinator Partner Organization: US Forest Service, Terrestrial Condition Assessment Program, Natural Resources Staff Area, Washington DC Office