MPFC Resource Portal
MPFC offers these resources as a means to help the prescribed fire community collect and share information relevant to the work we do.
Air Quality - Smoke Management
NWCG Publications - Huge collection of smoke-management-related information from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group.
Smoke Management Guide for Prescribed and Wildland Fire
State of Michigan Smoke Management Plan
Smoke Management and Air Quality for Land Managers - The NWCG Smoke Committee (SmoC) has developed a self-paced tutorial to advance your understanding of smoke and air quality issues facing land and fire managers.
Fire Behavior
Fire Management and Planning
Prescribed Fire in the Great Lakes States Dovetail Partners, 2025
Building Wildfire Resilience Through Policy Action: The Nature Conservancy
Roadmap for Wildfire Resilience - Solutions for a Paradigm Shift: The Nature Conservancy
Landowner's Guide: Prescribed Burning ( MUCC & MI DNR
Managing the Unexpected in Prescribed Fire and Fire Use Operation: A Workshop on High Reliability Organizations
USDA Towards Shared Stewardship Across Landscapes 2018
Report on outcome-based investment strategy
The National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy - Northeast Regional Acion Plan 2013 Phase III
National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Addendum Update 2023: Wildland Fire Leadership Council
The National Wildland Fire Management Strategy
Michigan Forest Action Plan (National Association of State Foresters)
Introduction to Prescribed Fire in Southern Ecosystems (USDA Forest Service) A similar guide for Northeastern-Midwest Ecosystems is in development
Fire Effects
Wildland Fire in Ecosystems: Effects of Fire on Flora
Wildland Fire in Ecosystems: Effects of Fire on Fauna
Wildland Fire in Ecosystems: Effects of Fire on Air
Wildland Fire in Ecosystems: Effects of Fire on Soils and Water
Fire Effects Information System
Using Fire to Manage Invasive Vegetation: The State of the Art
The Use of Fire as a Tool for Controlling Invasive Plants
Invasive Species and Wildland Fire in the NE-MW USA
Conservation United is a specialty insurance brokerage that focuses on clients in the environmental sector and has recently developed a nationwide prescribed fire liability policy with an AM Best A rated carrier.
American Risk Management Resources Network, LLC provide Solutions to Complex Insurance Needs! With over 40 insurance markets offering more than 150 different non-standardized environmental insurance policy forms including literally thousands of endorsements ARMR.Networks’ specialized expertise frees up your time to focus on what you do best!
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Liability, incentives, and prescribed fire for ecosystem management - Ecological Society of America
Liability, regulation and endogenous risk: Incidence and severity of escaped prescribed fires in the United States - Washington State University School of Economic Sciences
Liability and Prescribed Fire: Perception and Reality - Professor John R. Weir et al.
Partners of mpfc
Visit the Tallgrass Prairie and Oak Savanna Consortium's site for their information and newsletter sign-up.
The Lake States Fire Science Consortium has a wealth of valuable information.
The Fire Research and Management Exchange System (FRAMES) has a resource catalog that allows you to access 25,000 records as well as 33,700 publications on fire. Check it out!
The Fueling Collaboration Panel Discussion Series started in 2020 and has archives of discussions on a range of fire topics!
The Ember Alliance is a nonprofit based in northern Colorado working with partners across the country to create a more fire resilient society through opportunities such as TREX.
Find other regional fire councils and resources throughout the northeast and midwest USA through the NE-MW Regional Prescribed Fire Council Coordinating Group