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Quarterly MPFC Steering Committee Meeting

  • HCMA Administrative Office at Kensington Metropark 13000 Highridge Drive Brighton, MI, 48114 United States (map)

Recurring steering committee council meetings will now consistently take place virtually and in-person Tuesday of February 28, May 30, September 5, and December 5 from 11:00AM-2:00PM (EST). This will allow us to build on the momentum of our annual meeting and avoid peak burning season. Meeting agendas and notes will be posted on the website Committee Notes page.

Agenda and Online MS Teams link will be e-mailed prior to meeting. Join our e-mailing list.

Contact Stephanie Diep at to add items to the agenda.

In-Person attendees can hang around after the meeting for an optional field tour of 1-2 of the MetroPark burn units in Kensington Metropark. One is a fen/wetland habitat, and one is oak savanna.


In-Person Hybrid Locations for 2023:

Feb 28: SE: City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation Office, 3875 E Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

May 30: SE: MetroParks, Kensington, MI

Sept 5: UP: Biomass Innovation Center, Escanaba, MI

Dec 5: SW: Ed Lowe, Cassopolis, MI