Workshop Description
A workshop for all wildland fire management partners across the 20 state NE-MW region to share region-wide, science-based, fire ecology information oriented toward expanding and maintaining the use of prescribed fire across all landscapes, jurisdictions, and fire-dependent ecosystems.
Sponsored by Northeast Regional Strategy Committee (NE RSC), a regional organization chartered by the national Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC) to coordinate and support implementation of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy across the 20 Northeast and Midwest states.
Workshop Objectives
This regional workshop will:
Provide a forum for all wildland fire management partners to share region-wide, science-based, fire ecology information oriented toward expanding and maintaining the use of prescribed fire across all landscapes, jurisdictions, and fire-dependent ecosystems.
Provide an opportunity for scientists, managers, and practitioners across the 20-state region to share prescribed fire related experiences, successes, and potential solutions to implementation challenges.
Provide an opportunity for agency leaders and managers to interact with state prescribed fire councils and other key partners.
Serve as a model for future annual or biennial workshops.
Watch for registration to open in May here: 2023 NE-MW Regional Prescribed Fire Workshop – Northeast Region Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy (
Early bird rate – $300 (until July 1)
Regular rate – $350 (after July 1)
One day rate – $125
Student rate – $200
Venue and Accommodations
The Madison Concourse Hotel
1 W Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53703
A reserved block of rooms are available at the workshop venue at the federal per diem rate of $131 + tax. Reserve your room by July 28th to be guaranteed the best rate.
Sponsorship and Exhibitors
In addition to the robust program, an exhibition will be available for those interested in gaining excellent exposure to 250 + individuals who will come together in Madison. The audience will include Federal, State, and local decision makers at all levels. There will be 5 hours of dedicated time with the workshop attendees, including six 30-minute networking breaks and a two hour evening social on Tuesday.
For further information read 2023 rx fire Prospectus ( or to secure your preferred sponsorship option please contact Mikel Robinson or (406) 625-7049.