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Show us Your Flames! MI PFC 2023 Fire Photo Contest

We Want Your Photos!

Campaign #miflames on Facebook and Instagram @mifirecouncil

We know you are out there hard at work getting fire on the ground! Photography can be a powerful tool in sharing experiences, sparking curiosity, raising awareness and stoking motivation! Help us reach a broader audience and encourage a fire culture in Michigan by taking a minute to enter your photos or by sharing our posts @mifirecouncil April through August!

Simplified Competition:

Use #miflames and @mifirecouncil in the description on your post featuring prescribed fire related content! If your photo has the most likes by September, you will qualify for a $25 gift card to buy MI PFC merchandise. Posts will be shared on the MI PFC Instagram and Facebook story if content is deemed appropriate (does not have to meet all of the rules required for the Burning Issue feature competition).

Full Competition:

Enter your photos and a short sentence about your burn/habitat via one of the attached forms below and we’ll feature you on our social media pages (Facebook and Instagram @mifirecouncil) and/or newsletters!

  • Submit up to 25 entries of different photos!

  • Winner receives $25 gift card to MI PFC Merchandise and their photo featured in 2024 Burning Issues Workshop content!

  • Open to all participants as long as photos are related to Midwest US prescribed fire activities or fire-adapted habitats

  • Follow us on social media April through August to help us choose a winner by liking and sharing your favorite photo posts!

Google Log-in Required to Upload Photos Online


Download Entry Form as Word Doc or PDF below and

E-mail with Photos to


  • Rolling submission accepted April-August 2023.

  • Entries will be posted within the following month of submission.


  1. Photos must be formatted as .jpeg, .jpg, or .png.

  2. Photos must not infringe on copyright and are the property of yourself/your organization with permission given the MI Prescribed Fire Council for sharing your photos publicly (if source/photographer desires to be mentioned please include their name in the entry form)

  3. Photos must be related to prescribed fire or fire adapted communities/activities in the Midwest US

  4. All people in photos of active fire must be wearing PPE and practicing safety (to qualify for feature of Burning Issues)

  5. If children's faces are in the images, you have consent from their parents that these photos can be shared publicly or have blurred/blocked their faces

  6. Photos are appropriate/ethical content for a general audience (rated G) (Do NOT include images of dead or injured wildlife/people, profane words, indecent exposure, etc.)

  7. Submitted photos will remain in MI PFC holding for future use on social media, website, and newsletters as MI PFC desires.


  1. Photos must meet all Photo Criteria to qualify for feature as Burning Issues (if not all criteria are met, photos can still be considered for winning MI PFC merchandise)

  2. Each submission to this form may consist on 1-5 different photos (MI PFC reserves the right to post 1 or up to 5 photos you submit in a single post). Each submission will only be posted once during the contest window April-Aug.

  3. Submitted photos will be posted to @mifirecouncil Facebook and Instagram pages on a rolling basis as submissions are entered April-August 2023. Follow our feed or include a tagged handle to be sure not to miss yours!

  4. Submission limit, 25 entries with different photos (each submission = 1 post consisting of 1-5 photos each) per individual.

  5. Winner will go to the individual that submits the photo(s) that receive the most likes on Facebook/Instagram combined.

  6. Winner will be announced in September and their photo will be featured in content related to the Burning Issues Workshop and Annual MI PFC Meeting in February 2024

  7. Winner will receive a $25 gift card to MI PFC Merchandise.

Instagram Live Feed @mifirecouncil