11/26 - Fire Behavior and Weather Index Systems

Hi all,

A quick post this week about a couple important resources that were recently shared with me, both from the Fire Behavior Field Reference Guide. This guide is published by NWCG and contains an insane amount of information about wildfires, fire factors, fire safety, and other information in about a million different fire-related areas. Seriously, I don’t know how I’ve been working in fire without ever finding this site: it’s gold! Everything I struggled to understand as a newbie is broken down, and dug into with tons of detail. They have maps, charts, graphs, vocabulary, links… Give it a look and dig into the vast collection of information compiled there.

In particular, two parts of the guide stick out, and they’re the two parts that were sent to me by a colleague earlier this week. They’re the Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System, and the Fire Weather Index (FWI) System. They were sent to me in relation to a little project MPFC is working on with MNFI (Michigan Natural Features Inventory) to get prescribed fire into their invasives monitoring app, MISIN (Michigan Invasive Species Information Network). That reminds me, if you’re a Michigan person, you should undoubtedly download this app, it lets you report invasive species and collects the reports in an easily accessible and searchable database that can be used by professionals to track the spread of invasvies. But I digress: I’m supposed to be talking about fire!

I’ll post a couple images from these resources, but I truly recommend you give them a look. It’s all the information you’re used to hearing about in fire, but in far greater detail. If you haven’t already, give those links a click and check out some of the data they’re working with. Who knows, you might learn a thing or two!
